abstract: This edition of the Geologic Map of California is an all-digital product built on the original compilation of C.W.
Jennings published in 1977, with some additions and modifications. The Geologic Map of California presents an overview of
the geology and structure of the state. It represents the geologic features that one would find on a visit to any locality
in the state. The restraints of the printed scale (1:750,000) limit the detail that can be shown, but the most important geologic
features are portrayed. The distribution of the major rock types and the major structural elements are shown with sufficient
detail to be useful for many purposes.This edition of the Geologic Map of California was prepared in recognition of the California
Geological Survey's 150th Anniversary.Geologic Map of CAGMC_geo_annoMap Unit LabelGMC_anno_leadersGMC_onshore_faults_AnnoFault
names-6Fault LabelsFault names-5Fault names-3Fault names-4GMC_offshore_faults_AnnoFault Names_LeaderFault ReferencesGMC_str_pointGMC_str_arcGMC_offshore_faultsGMC_geo_arcGMC_geo_poly
Title Geologic Map of California (2010).
cited responsible party
individual Name Charles W. Jennings, with modifications by Carlos Gutierrez, William Bryant, George Saucedo and Chris Wills
notes: This metadata record was generated by an xslt transformation from a dc metadata record; Transform by Stephen M. Richard, based
on a transform by Damian Ulbricht. Run on 2018-05-31T16:38:20-07:00