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Resource Abstract:
description: The Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge) is located on the southernmost tip of the Delmarva Peninsula in Northampton County, Virginia. It consists of a variety of habitats including maritime forest, grasslands, fresh and brackish ponds, tidal salt marsh, and beach. The Refuge is considered one of the most important avian funnels along the east coast (Bright and Sagan, 1987); it provides outstanding foraging and sheltering habitat for migrating avian species and productive nursery grounds for fish. In 2001, the Refuge purchased 375 acres of salt marsh down range of the Northampton County small firearms range. The firing range, a two acre in-holding within the Refuge, was formerly owned by the Department of Defense and is presumed to have been active since the 1930s. In this study, we investigated contaminant levels in soils and sediments in the marsh down range of the firing range and along the Virginia Inside Passage to assess whether contaminants are present at levels that would pose an ecological threat. Samples were also collected from the marsh for lead shot or bullet density determination to assess whether lead ingestion would pose a threat to birds or other biota. Lead shot or bullets were not found in any sediment samples. Only one sample, from the marsh, exceeded the lead Effects Range Low (ERL) level, but it was below the Effects Range Median (ERM) and Probable Effect Levels (PEL). Arsenic was above the ERL level in seven of the eight marsh samples but did not approach either ERM or PEL levels. Nickel was above the ERL level in two of the eight marsh samples, but was below the ERM and PEL values. Five organic compounds - acenaphthene, anthracene, dieldrin, DDE, and total PCBs - were detected above their ERL levels. Only two of those analytes, dieldrin and DDE, were above their ERM levels. Of the two samples in which dieldrin was above the ERL, only one was above the PEL. The DDE level was above the ERM level in one marsh sample. This study indicates the soil and sediment pose no threat to wildlife from lead or other contaminants levels and there is no risk of lead poisoning to wildlife via ingestion. The few cases in which contaminant levels were elevated are localized and do not pose a widespread threat to biota. The ERL is a conservative level and although some levels were higher than the ERL, the risk those levels pose to wildlife is negligible.; abstract: The Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge) is located on the southernmost tip of the Delmarva Peninsula in Northampton County, Virginia. It consists of a variety of habitats including maritime forest, grasslands, fresh and brackish ponds, tidal salt marsh, and beach. The Refuge is considered one of the most important avian funnels along the east coast (Bright and Sagan, 1987); it provides outstanding foraging and sheltering habitat for migrating avian species and productive nursery grounds for fish. In 2001, the Refuge purchased 375 acres of salt marsh down range of the Northampton County small firearms range. The firing range, a two acre in-holding within the Refuge, was formerly owned by the Department of Defense and is presumed to have been active since the 1930s. In this study, we investigated contaminant levels in soils and sediments in the marsh down range of the firing range and along the Virginia Inside Passage to assess whether contaminants are present at levels that would pose an ecological threat. Samples were also collected from the marsh for lead shot or bullet density determination to assess whether lead ingestion would pose a threat to birds or other biota. Lead shot or bullets were not found in any sediment samples. Only one sample, from the marsh, exceeded the lead Effects Range Low (ERL) level, but it was below the Effects Range Median (ERM) and Probable Effect Levels (PEL). Arsenic was above the ERL level in seven of the eight marsh samples but did not approach either ERM or PEL levels. Nickel was above the ERL level in two of the eight marsh samples, but was below the ERM and PEL values. Five organic compounds - acenaphthene, anthracene, dieldrin, DDE, and total PCBs - were detected above their ERL levels. Only two of those analytes, dieldrin and DDE, were above their ERM levels. Of the two samples in which dieldrin was above the ERL, only one was above the PEL. The DDE level was above the ERM level in one marsh sample. This study indicates the soil and sediment pose no threat to wildlife from lead or other contaminants levels and there is no risk of lead poisoning to wildlife via ingestion. The few cases in which contaminant levels were elevated are localized and do not pose a widespread threat to biota. The ERL is a conservative level and although some levels were higher than the ERL, the risk those levels pose to wildlife is negligible.
Title Eastern shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge small firearms range assessment.
creation  Date   2018-05-19T15:56:32.893199
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Metadata data stamp:  2018-08-07T01:20:33Z
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notes: This metadata record was generated by an xslt transformation from a dc metadata record; Transform by Stephen M. Richard, based on a transform by Damian Ulbricht. Run on 2018-08-07T01:20:33Z
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Metadata language  eng
Metadata character set encoding:   utf8
Metadata standard for this record:  ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata - Implementation Specification
standard version:  2007
Metadata record identifier:  urn:dciso:metadataabout:90ee1f70-d3dc-4207-8015-620fa3be702e

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