Dataset Identification:
Resource Abstract:
- description: <p>Explore Crime and Safety data from the Cary Police Department.</p><p>This data is extracted
by the Town of Cary's Police Department's RMS application.</p><p>The police incidents will provide data
on the Part I crimes of arson, motor vehicle thefts, larcenies, burglaries, aggravated assaults, robberies and homicides.
Sexual assaults and crimes involving juveniles will not appear to help protect the identities of victims.</p><p>This
dataset includes criminal offenses in the Town of Cary for the previous 10 calendar years plus the current year. The data
is based on the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) which includes all victims of person crimes and all crimes
within an incident. The data is dynamic, which allows for additions, deletions and/or modifications at any time, resulting
in more accurate information in the database. Due to continuous data entry, the number of records in subsequent extractions
are subject to change. Crime data is updated daily however, incidents may be up to three days old before they first appear.</p><p><strong>About
Crime Data</strong></p><p>The Cary Police Department strives to make crime data as accurate as possible,
but there is no avoiding the introduction of errors into this process, which relies on data furnished by many people and that
cannot always be verified. Data on this site are updated daily, adding new incidents and updating existing data with information
gathered through the investigative process.</p><p>This dynamic nature of crime data means that content provided
here today will probably differ from content provided a week from now. Additional, content provided on this site may differ
somewhat from crime statistics published elsewhere by other media outlets, even though they draw from the same database.</p><p><strong>Withheld
Data</strong></p><p>In accordance with legal restrictions against identifying sexual assault and child abuse
victims and juvenile perpetrators, victims, and witnesses of certain crimes, this site includes the following precautionary
measures: (a) Addresses of sexual assaults are not included. (b) Child abuse cases, and other crimes which by their nature
involve juveniles, or which the reports indicate involve juveniles as victims, suspects, or witnesses, are not reported at
all.</p><p>Certain crimes that are under current investigation may be omitted from the results in avoid comprising
the investigative process.</p><p>Incidents five days old or newer may not be included until the internal audit
process has been completed.</p><p>This data is updated daily.</p>; abstract: <p>Explore Crime and
Safety data from the Cary Police Department.</p><p>This data is extracted by the Town of Cary's Police Department's
RMS application.</p><p>The police incidents will provide data on the Part I crimes of arson, motor vehicle thefts,
larcenies, burglaries, aggravated assaults, robberies and homicides. Sexual assaults and crimes involving juveniles will not
appear to help protect the identities of victims.</p><p>This dataset includes criminal offenses in the Town of
Cary for the previous 10 calendar years plus the current year. The data is based on the National Incident Based Reporting
System (NIBRS) which includes all victims of person crimes and all crimes within an incident. The data is dynamic, which allows
for additions, deletions and/or modifications at any time, resulting in more accurate information in the database. Due to
continuous data entry, the number of records in subsequent extractions are subject to change. Crime data is updated daily
however, incidents may be up to three days old before they first appear.</p><p><strong>About Crime Data</strong></p><p>The
Cary Police Department strives to make crime data as accurate as possible, but there is no avoiding the introduction of errors
into this process, which relies on data furnished by many people and that cannot always be verified. Data on this site are
updated daily, adding new incidents and updating existing data with information gathered through the investigative process.</p><p>This
dynamic nature of crime data means that content provided here today will probably differ from content provided a week from
now. Additional, content provided on this site may differ somewhat from crime statistics published elsewhere by other media
outlets, even though they draw from the same database.</p><p><strong>Withheld Data</strong></p><p>In
accordance with legal restrictions against identifying sexual assault and child abuse victims and juvenile perpetrators, victims,
and witnesses of certain crimes, this site includes the following precautionary measures: (a) Addresses of sexual assaults
are not included. (b) Child abuse cases, and other crimes which by their nature involve juveniles, or which the reports indicate
involve juveniles as victims, suspects, or witnesses, are not reported at all.</p><p>Certain crimes that are under
current investigation may be omitted from the results in avoid comprising the investigative process.</p><p>Incidents
five days old or newer may not be included until the internal audit process has been completed.</p><p>This data
is updated daily.</p>
- Title Police Incidents.
- creation Date
Resource language:
Processing environment:
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Metadata data stamp:
Resource Maintenance Information
- maintenance or update frequency:
- notes: This metadata record was generated by an xslt transformation from a dc metadata record; Transform by Stephen M. Richard, based
on a transform by Damian Ulbricht. Run on 2018-08-06T19:41:17Z
Metadata contact
- organisation Name
CINERGI Metadata catalog
- Contact information
- Address
- electronic Mail Address
Metadata language
Metadata character set encoding:
Metadata standard for this record:
ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata - Implementation Specification
standard version:
Metadata record identifier:
Metadata record format is ISO19139 XML (MD_Metadata)