DEPTH, water
Julian day
Non-bacteria control, targeted with NON338 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
Bacteria, targed with EUB338(I-III) oligonucleotide FISH-probe
Alphaproteobacteria, targeted with ALF968 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
SAR11 clade, targeted with SAR11-486 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
SAR11 clade, targeted with SAR11-441 oligonucleotide FISH-probe
Roseobacter clade, targeted with ROS537 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
NAC11-7 clade, targeted with NAC11-7-1030 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
Roseobacter clade, targeted with RCA1000 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
Gamma-Proteobacteria, targeted with Gam42a oligonucleotide FISH-probe
Reinekea, targeted with REI731 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
Balneatrix, targeted with Bal731 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
OM182 clade, targeted with OM182-707 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
NOR5 clade, targeted with NOR5-730 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
Pseudoalteromonas, targeted with Psa184 oligonucleotide FISH-probe
Alteromonas/Colwellia, targeted with Alt1413 oligonucleotide FISH-probe
Vibrio, targeted with GV841 oligonucleotide FISH-probe
SAR92 clade, targeted with SAR92-627 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
SAR86 clade, targeted with SAR86-1245 oligonucleotide FISH-probe
Glaciecola, targeted with Glac227 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
Cytophaga-Flavobacterium cluster, targeted with CF319a oligonucleotide FISH-probe
Polaribacter, targeted with POL740 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
Formosa, targeted with FORM181A oligonucleotides FISH-probe
Formosa, targeted with FORM181B oligonucleotides FISH-probe
Ulvibacter, targeted with ULV995 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
VIS6 clade, targeted with VIS6-814 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
NS3a clade, targeted with NS3a-840 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
NS5 clade, targeted with NS5/DE2-471 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
NS5 clade, targeted with NS5/VIS1-575 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
NS9 clade, targeted with NS9-664 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
Marinoscillum, targeted with CYT-734 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
Planctomycetes, targeted with Pla46 oligonucleotide FISH-probe
Pirellula group D, targeted with PirD1039 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
Planctomycete group B, targeted with uPlaB440 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
Planctomyce group A, targeted with PlaA1228 oligonucleotides FISH-probe
Archaea, targed with ARCH915 oligonucleotide FISH-probe
Euryarchaeota marine group II, targeted with Eury806 oligonucleotide FISH-probe
Crenarchaeota marine group I, targeted with Cren554 oligonucleotide FISH-probe
Betaproteobacteria, targeted with BET42a oligonucleotides FISH-probe
SAR324 clade, targeted with SAR324-1412 oligonucleotide FISH-probe
Actinobacteria, targeted with HGC69a oligonucleotides FISH-probe