Dataset Identification:

Resource Abstract:
description: The Unpublished Digital Surficial Geologic Map of Mount Rainer National Park and Vicinity, Washington is composed of GIS data layers and GIS tables in a 10.1 file geodatabase (mors_geology.gdb), a 10.1 ArcMap (.MXD) map document (mors_geology.mxd), individual 10.1 layer (.LYR) files for each GIS data layer, an ancillary map information (.PDF) document (mora_geology.pdf) which contains source map unit descriptions, as well as other source map text, figures and tables, metadata in FGDC text (.TXT) and FAQ (.HTML) formats, and a GIS readme file (mors_gis_readme.pdf). Please read the mors_gis_readme.pdf for information pertaining to the proper extraction of the file geodatabase and other map files. To request GIS data in ESRI 10.1 shapefile format contact Stephanie OMeara (; see contact information below). The data is also available as a 2.2 KMZ/KML file for use in Google Earth, however, this format version of the map is limited in data layers presented and in access to GRI ancillary table information. Google Earth software is available for free at: Users are encouraged to only use the Google Earth data for basic visualization, and to use the GIS data for any type of data analysis or investigation. The data were completed as a component of the Geologic Resources Inventory (GRI) program, a National Park Service (NPS) Inventory and Monitoring (I&M) Division funded program that is administered by the NPS Geologic Resources Division (GRD). Source geologic maps and data used to complete this GRI digital dataset were provided by the following: U.S. Geological Survey. Detailed information concerning the sources used and their contribution the GRI product are listed in the Source Citation section(s) of this metadata record (mors_metadata_faq.html; available at Users of this data are cautioned about the locational accuracy of features within this dataset. Based on the source map scale of 1:48,000 and United States National Map Accuracy Standards features are within (horizontally) 24.4 meters or 80 feet of their actual location as presented by this dataset. Users of this data should thus not assume the location of features is exactly where they are portrayed in Google Earth, ArcGIS or other software used to display this dataset. All GIS and ancillary tables were produced as per the NPS GRI Geology-GIS Geodatabase Data Model v. 2.2. (available at: The GIS data projection is NAD83, UTM Zone 10N, however, for the KML/KMZ format the data is projected upon export to WGS84 Geographic, the native coordinate system used by Google Earth. The data is within the area of interest of Mount Rainer National Park.; abstract: The Unpublished Digital Surficial Geologic Map of Mount Rainer National Park and Vicinity, Washington is composed of GIS data layers and GIS tables in a 10.1 file geodatabase (mors_geology.gdb), a 10.1 ArcMap (.MXD) map document (mors_geology.mxd), individual 10.1 layer (.LYR) files for each GIS data layer, an ancillary map information (.PDF) document (mora_geology.pdf) which contains source map unit descriptions, as well as other source map text, figures and tables, metadata in FGDC text (.TXT) and FAQ (.HTML) formats, and a GIS readme file (mors_gis_readme.pdf). Please read the mors_gis_readme.pdf for information pertaining to the proper extraction of the file geodatabase and other map files. To request GIS data in ESRI 10.1 shapefile format contact Stephanie OMeara (; see contact information below). The data is also available as a 2.2 KMZ/KML file for use in Google Earth, however, this format version of the map is limited in data layers presented and in access to GRI ancillary table information. Google Earth software is available for free at: Users are encouraged to only use the Google Earth data for basic visualization, and to use the GIS data for any type of data analysis or investigation. The data were completed as a component of the Geologic Resources Inventory (GRI) program, a National Park Service (NPS) Inventory and Monitoring (I&M) Division funded program that is administered by the NPS Geologic Resources Division (GRD). Source geologic maps and data used to complete this GRI digital dataset were provided by the following: U.S. Geological Survey. Detailed information concerning the sources used and their contribution the GRI product are listed in the Source Citation section(s) of this metadata record (mors_metadata_faq.html; available at Users of this data are cautioned about the locational accuracy of features within this dataset. Based on the source map scale of 1:48,000 and United States National Map Accuracy Standards features are within (horizontally) 24.4 meters or 80 feet of their actual location as presented by this dataset. Users of this data should thus not assume the location of features is exactly where they are portrayed in Google Earth, ArcGIS or other software used to display this dataset. All GIS and ancillary tables were produced as per the NPS GRI Geology-GIS Geodatabase Data Model v. 2.2. (available at: The GIS data projection is NAD83, UTM Zone 10N, however, for the KML/KMZ format the data is projected upon export to WGS84 Geographic, the native coordinate system used by Google Earth. The data is within the area of interest of Mount Rainer National Park.
Title Unpublished Digital Surficial Geologic Map of Mount Rainer National Park and Vicinity, Washington (NPS, GRD, GRI, MORA, MORS digital map) adapted from a U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin map by Crandell (1969).
creation  Date   2018-05-19T22:21:32.210284
Resource language:
Processing environment:
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Linkage for online resource
name Dublin Core references URL
protocol WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
link function information
Description URL provided in Dublin Core references element.
Linkage for online resource
name Dublin Core references URL
protocol WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
link function information
Description URL provided in Dublin Core references element.
Linkage for online resource
name Dublin Core references URL
protocol WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
link function information
Description URL provided in Dublin Core references element.
Metadata data stamp:  2018-08-06T23:46:15Z
Resource Maintenance Information
maintenance or update frequency:
notes: This metadata record was generated by an xslt transformation from a dc metadata record; Transform by Stephen M. Richard, based on a transform by Damian Ulbricht. Run on 2018-08-06T23:46:15Z
Metadata contact - pointOfContact
organisation Name  CINERGI Metadata catalog
Contact information
electronic Mail
Metadata language  eng
Metadata character set encoding:   utf8
Metadata standard for this record:  ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata - Implementation Specification
standard version:  2007
Metadata record identifier:  urn:dciso:metadataabout:bf2af4a0-219c-4b4b-ac99-2194918a9cbc

Metadata record format is ISO19139 XML (MD_Metadata)